conjurer / ˈkɒn dʒər ər, ˈkʌn- for 1, 2; kənˈdʒʊər ər for 3 /


conjurer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who conjures spirits or practices magic; magician.
  2. a person who practices legerdemain; juggler.
  3. a person who solemnly charges or entreats.

conjurer 近义词

n. 名词 noun


conjurer 的近义词 4


  1. I hereby resign from my full-time volunteer job as conjurer of worst-case scenarios.
  2. A soldier is not a conjurer that he should be handed over a fully laden ship and told to ferret out a fuse key.
  3. When lawyers get a case into their hands, no living conjurer can divine when their clients will get it out again.
  4. Then he would show the dent in his cheek, and pass his helmet round for all to see, as a conjurer does.
  5. But no; the conjurer swore freely—‘Be gone—be gone about your business; go and look for your horse.’
  6. Then she thought about consulting a conjurer; but being a timorous woman as well as not over-wise, she put it off for a while.