conjectural / kənˈdʒɛk tʃər əl /


conjectural 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, of the nature of, or involving conjecture; problematical: Theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are highly conjectural.
  2. given to making conjectures: a conjectural thinker.

conjectural 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Perhaps even more surprising, Richards delivered a highly delineated description, a compact conjectural map, of the mental steps involved in reading and interpreting a poem.
  2. Upon such a tissue of conjectural absurdities the wonderful opinion of the immortality of the soul is built.
  3. The transcription of Dr. Crusius, with his conjectural restorations, will be found in the Appendix.
  4. What the passages between him and Friedrich Wilhelm were, on this occasion, shall remain conjectural to all creatures.
  5. In these parts, the paths of the curves are to some extent conjectural.
  6. All our attempts to discover origins far behind history must be conjectural.