commoners / ˈkɒm ə nər /


commoners 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a common person, as distinguished from one with rank, status, etc.
  2. British. any person ranking below a peer; a person without a title of nobility.a member of the House of Commons. a student who pays for his or her commons and other expenses and is not supported by any scholarship or foundation.
  3. a person who has a joint right in common land.

commoners 近义词

n. 名词 noun


commoners 的近义词 5


  1. The elites weren’t taller because of their genes—the commoners were just shorter out of deprivation.
  2. Sowada’s team would like to see how other commoners from ancient Egypt were mummified.
  3. George is the first offspring of a “commoner” in 350 years to become heir to the throne.
  4. The new Queen of Spain, 41-year old Letizia Ortiz, was not just born a commoner, but she was also divorced.
  5. Prince William was hailed as a mould-breaker for marrying a commoner—Kate Middleton—a woman with no noble blood.
  6. For the new Queen of Spain, 41-year old Letizia Ortiz, was not just born a commoner, but she was also divorced.
  7. The king feared that had Prince Bertil married a commoner, the royal dynasty's survival would be jeopardised.
  8. According to this account the scales of the lyre (the simpler and commoner instrument) were of two kinds.
  9. This was avowed by the great commoner, Pitt himself, the special friend of America.
  10. Neither do large deeds and very clear thinking—which, stout hearts being commoner than unmuddled brains, is lucky for us.
  11. A simple scene, in all truth; none commoner in the world; it really did not matter who saw.
  12. If he is a commoner, he eats with his knife; if a gentleman, with his fork.