comedic / kəˈmi dɪk, -ˈmɛd ɪk /


comedic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or of the nature of comedy.

comedic 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. As a writer, I think just the sheer authenticity of the dialogue and being able to be really comedic without being super jokey, there’s a real distinction between those things.
  2. By the second and third episodes, the show falls into a rhythm, balancing comedic moments with an underlying sense of dread.
  3. It doesn’t help that Kylie’s mother, played by Rima Te Wiata with pitch-perfect comedic timing and well-meaning befuddlement, has always believed the house is haunted.
  4. This comedic PSA underscores the importance of keeping one another safe and protecting the places where we play, especially during the ongoing pandemic.
  5. Now he’s breaking more ground on the Hulu hit Woke, a comedic yet meaty examination of what happens when someone who just wants to be left out of the political-racial debates of the day suddenly can’t ignore them anymore.
  6. An ace comedic turn that, in lesser hands, would come off as one-note.
  7. But the comedic genius was wrong; success in most dimensions of the human enterprise is showing up at the right time.
  8. The long-running comedic news show The Colbert Report will air its final episode.
  9. On Friday evening, as the conference got underway, the two senators were on the stage delivering comedic standup routines.
  10. That fleeting comedic moment exemplifies Aidy Bryant at her best.
  11. Falstaff is a triumph of comedic creation because we are kept laughing equally at and with him.
  12. I was agreeably surprised at meeting the poet Poinsinet at the Comedic Francaise.
  13. This means that Silviane's engagement at the Comedic is a certainty.