colorectal / ˌkoʊ ləˈrɛk tl /


colorectal 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. pertaining to or involving the colon and rectum: colorectal cancer.


  1. In his early 90s, he has been dealing with colorectal cancer for more than four years, and he is flat tired out.
  2. Being diagnosed with colorectal, prostate or lung cancer in men, and breast and lung cancer in women are all associated with a five-kilogram reduction in grip strength in people aged 60 to 69.
  3. This decrease in grip strength was also associated with a higher likelihood of death from colorectal cancer in men and breast cancer in women.
  4. As a scientist conducting basic research on colorectal cancer, I have been generally aware of these sobering trends.
  5. The death of Boseman has also underscored the long-standing racial disparity for colorectal cancer.
  6. John Baron, et al. “A Randomized Trial of Aspirin to Prevent Colorectal Adenomas.”
  7. But red meat is also linked to cancer, especially to colorectal cancer, and to diabetes.