coloratura / ˌkʌl ər əˈtʊər ə, -ˈtyʊər ə, ˌkɒl-, ˌkoʊl- /


coloratura 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. runs, trills, and other florid decorations in vocal music.
  2. a lyric soprano of high range who specializes in such music.

coloratura 近义词


等同于 lyric


等同于 soprano

coloratura 的近义词 4


  1. I make a great distinction between the coloratura touch and the melody touch.
  2. Coloratura singing, to be absolutely perfect, demands this degree of tonal excellence.
  3. The modern school of musical criticism does not hold coloratura singing in very high esteem.
  4. But this much is certain: Coloratura singing still has a strong hold on the affections of the music loving public.
  5. Dazzling as the effects of coloratura are, they are obtained by the combination of a few simple elements.