a plant, Citrullus colocynthis, belonging to the gourd family, of the warmer parts of Asia, the Mediterranean region, etc., bearing a round, yellow or green fruit with a bitter pulp.
the fruit of this plant.
Pharmacology. the drug derived from the pulp of the unripe but full-grown fruit of this plant, used in medicine chiefly as a purgative.
Put some powdered colocynth into a phial, and cover the mouth with parchment pierced with holes.
I think I will send out a box of colocynth, and a bit of nice tender veal, to put him in good humour again.
One of the principal ingredients in the mummy balsam is colocynth, or bitter apple, powdered.
Dr. Pulney Andy of India states that the extract prepared from the tender leaves is a good substitute for extract of colocynth.
Elisha throwing flour in the pot to sweeten the bitterness of the colocynth.