coconut / ˈkoʊ kəˌnʌt, -nət /


coconut 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the large, hard-shelled seed of the coconut palm, lined with a white edible meat, and containing a milky liquid.
  2. the meat of the coconut, often shredded and used in cooking, as a flavoring, and as a dessert topping.
  3. coconut palm.
  4. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a person of color, especially a person of Latin American or South Asian origin or descent, who is regarded as having adopted the attitudes, values, and behavior thought to be characteristic of middle-class white society, at the expense of his or her ethnic heritage.Compare Oreo.

coconut 近义词


等同于 noodle


等同于 head


  1. Also, one of them is purple for some reason, despite neither apple, cranberry, nor coconut being in the slightest bit purple.
  2. This formula comes in several scents, including lavender rose, coconut vanilla, cucumber mint, and unscented.
  3. The bars are 70 percent dark chocolate — not quite dark enough, but I’ll allow it — and sweetened with coconut sugar.
  4. In the 1970s and 1980s, health concerns about tropical oils such as coconut and palm undercut demand in Europe and North America.
  5. Compared to dairy, the NotMilk was slightly beiger in hue and sweeter on both the nose and the mouth, with faint notes of coconut and pineapple.
  6. Sports drinks and coconut water, which is lower in sugar, can also redeem electrolytes lost while drinking, says White.
  7. His cannabis-infused menus range from truffle tuna casserole and coconut chicken to French toast and omelets.
  8. A boiling brew is scooped into makeshift bowls—hollowed out coconut halves.
  9. Unlike sports beverages, coconut water is low in carbohydrates, while still rich in potassium.
  10. I lasted about five minutes and then, BAM, the coconut oil ended up in my garbage.
  11. Ang bagyu mauy nakapugdul (nakapapugdul) sa lubi, The typhoon ripped the tops off the coconut trees.
  12. Pulasi ang sanggutan arun mamúnga, Untie the coconut bud so it will bear fruit.
  13. Mipusaw (namusaw, gipusawan) na ang lubi, The coconut tree is developing buds now.
  14. Ang tubà nga sagul daling makahubug, Fresh coconut palm toddy mixed with old toddy makes you drunk quick.
  15. Such is the saki or rice wine of the Japanese, the tuba or sap of the coconut palm of the Filipinos and the pulqu of the Mexicans.