coati 的定义
plural co·a·tis.
- a diurnal omnivore related to the raccoon, having an elongated body, a long, ringed, nonprehensile tail, and a slender, flexible snout: the two genera are Nasua, found in the southwestern U.S. and southward to Uruguay, and Nasuella, the mountain coatis of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador.
- They call this boy the Coati, His name is strange, and so is he.
- He came down a sadder and a better coati, and retired with shame and fear to an outer corner.
- Mr. Bates says that salt is put on the tongue of the coati as a restorative from the stupor induced by the wourari poison.
- The coati is about a yard in length, nearly half of which belongs to the tail.
- And it descends the trunks of trees head first, just as the coati does.