clinquant / ˈklɪŋ kənt /


clinquant2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. glittering, especially with tinsel; decked with garish finery.
n. 名词 noun
  1. imitation gold leaf; tinsel; false glitter.

clinquant 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


clinquant 的近义词 4


  1. I liked Jack, but not clinquant in crimson and gold, with spurs and sword clanking on the hard, frost-bitten road.
  2. Pardon, Monsieur, in every age a love-story keeps its interest; but who cares nowadays for le clinquant du Tasse?
  3. Clinquant, klingk′ant, adj. shining like tinsel: glittering.
  4. The clinquant corslet of the Swiss girl just survives at bals costums.
  5. My eyes rejoice in the shine of it; its clinquant sound is music in my ears.