clavier / kləˈvɪər, ˈklæv i ər, ˈkleɪ vi- /


clavier 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the keyboard of a musical instrument.
  2. Also kla·vier . any musical instrument having a keyboard, especially a stringed keyboard instrument, as a harpsichord, clavichord, or piano.

clavier 近义词


等同于 keyboard

clavier 的近义词 7

等同于 piano


  1. Frau Court Councillor von Belzer plays the clavier and sings.
  2. The Countess von Belderbusch, wife of a nephew of the minister, whose name will come up again, plays skilfully upon the clavier.
  3. Captain Dantoine, a passionate admirer and knower of music; plays the violin and the clavier a little.
  4. All of the sons of Herr v. Mastiaux play the clavier well, as you already know from earlier letters of mine.
  5. The former will have the honor to contribute various beautiful arias, the latter various clavier concertos and trios.