clannish / ˈklæn ɪʃ /


clannish 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of a clan.
  2. inclined to associate exclusively with the members of one's own group; cliquish: the clannish behavior of the original members of the country club.
  3. imbued with or influenced by the sentiments, prejudices, or the like, of a clan.

clannish 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

exclusive, select


  1. For better or worse, we are clannish beings, and this has done much to shape our history.
  2. Naturally so clannish a woman as Mrs. Gano had not let the years go by without much solicitude on behalf of her orphan grandchild.
  3. Any infringement upon this moral code was punished by death to the woman and to her out-clannish lover.
  4. Unfortunately, also, Negroes are not by nature altruistic, not clannish like the Jews.
  5. They proved much more clannish than the Bohemians and more reluctant to conform to American customs.
  6. They remain, however, very clannish and according to the Federal Industrial Commission, without the "desire to fuse socially."