cinchonidine / sɪŋˈkɒn ɪˌdin, -dɪn, sɪn- /


cinchonidine 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a white, crystalline, slightly water-soluble, levorotatory alkaloid, C19H22N2O, stereoisomeric with cinchonine and similarly derived, used chiefly as a quinine substitute.


  1. Red bark contains not only quinine and cinchonine, but also cinchonidine.
  2. If it is chemically pure, cinchonidine belongs to the non-fluorescent alkaloids.
  3. It is nothing more than quinidine, or cinchonidine, or a mixture of both.
  4. After subsidence of the acute symptoms cinchonidine salicylate may be continued for a few days in appropriate doses.
  5. Cinchonidine, when heated with potassium hydrate, yields quinoline also, and with nitric acid the same products as cinchonine.