cilium / ˈsɪl i əm /


cilium 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. singular of cilia.

cilium 近义词


等同于 hair


  1. When it infects respiratory tract cells, the virus appears to clear tracts of cilia, and without the hairlike structures, the cells stop moving mucus, researchers report July 16 in Nature Communications.
  2. Normally, those cilia move in synchronized waves to push mucus out of the airway and into the throat.
  3. Some pathogens, like the coronavirus, just damage cilia, leaving the cells they protrude from intact.
  4. A coronavirus infection can mow down the forests of hairlike cilia that coat our airways, destroying a crucial barrier to keeping the virus from lodging deep in the lungs.
  5. Like all comb jellies, which are not technically jellyfish, bloody-belly comb jellies move by beating the iridescent, hair-like cilia that line their bells.
  6. Each consists of a very slender curved filament, with a still finer filament, or cilium, arising from it on each side.
  7. At this stage many of the spores assume each a flagellate cilium, and so acquire power of more rapid locomotion.