cidevant / sidəˈvɑ̃; English ˌsi dəˈvɑ̃ /


cidevant 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. former: used especially in reference to a retired officeholder.

cidevant 近义词


等同于 retired


  1. I have very pleasant relationships with many parents of implanted children and CI users.
  2. That being said, people in the deaf community felt free to make pointed and derisive comments about my CI.
  3. The deaf culture advocates tell me I should fling away my CI and make my home within the community.
  4. My experience in the firestorm of the culture wars has complicated my relationship with deaf  and CI communities.
  5. The CI advocates tell me that I should give up using ASL and become fully immersed in the hearing world.
  6. The consequence of this quarrel was that, early in 1794, he found himself accused as a ci-devant noble.
  7. Cependant nous les creusmes; aussy partie d'eux s'en alloyent devant nous, partie aprs, partie aussy avec nous dedans la barque.
  8. Neantmoins Monsieur de Biancourt se tenoit tousiours sur ses gardes, et souvent faisoit marcher la chaloupe devant avec la sonde.
  9. Le Sieur de Poutrincourt se mit dans vne chaloupe pour aller au devant, & avec vn dogue il le fit tourner en arrire d'o il venoit.
  10. L dessus allegresse & rejoussance, 178 & actions de graces Dieu en procession sur la montagne que i'ay mentionn ci-dessus.