chrism / ˈkrɪz əm /


chrism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a consecrated oil, usually mixed with balsam or balsam and spices, used by certainchurches in various rites, as in baptism, confirmation, and the like.

chrism 近义词


等同于 unction

chrism 的近义词 5

等同于 anointing

chrism 的近义词 1

等同于 cream


  1. Straightway there descends a dove white as snow, bearing in its beak an ampulla full of chrism sent from heaven.
  2. He renounced the cross which its priests had signed on him with their chrism, their sham baptisms and other magical rites.
  3. Next, when the altar hath been anointed with chrism, the twelve crosses painted on the walls of the church are also anointed.
  4. Therefore each of the faithful is anointed first twice with oil, next in like manner twice with chrism.
  5. The bishop then poureth over it oil and chrism, and chanteth, 'Jacob set up the stone for a memorial, and poured oil upon it.'