chondroma 的定义
plural chon·dro·mas, chon·dro·ma·ta [kon-droh-muh-tuh]. /kɒnˈdroʊ mə tə/. Pathology.
- a benign cartilaginous tumor or growth.
- All intermediate forms between the innocent chondroma and the malignant chondro-sarcoma are met with.
- Chondroma may occur in a multiple form, especially in relation to the phalanges and metacarpal bones.
- The spongy or cancellous osteoma is really an ossified chondroma, and is met with at the ends of the long bones (Fig. 52).
- The myeloma is also to be diagnosed from chondroma, from sarcoma, and from osteomyelitis fibrosa cystica.
- The non-malignant forms—osteoma, chondroma, and fibroma—are rare.