chiselling / ˈtʃɪz əl /


chiselling3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a wedgelike tool with a cutting edge at the end of the blade, often made of steel, used for cutting or shaping wood, stone, etc.
  2. chisel plow.
  3. Astronomy. the constellation Caelum.
v. 有主动词 verb

chis·eled, chis·el·ing or chis·elled, chis·el·ling.

  1. to cut, shape, or fashion by or as if by carving with a chisel.
  2. to cheat or swindle: He chiseled me out of fifty dollars.
  3. to get by cheating or trickery: He chiseled fifty dollars out of me.
v. 无主动词 verb

chis·eled, chis·el·ing or chis·elled, chis·el·ling.

  1. to work with a chisel.
  2. to trick; cheat.

chiselling 近义词

n. 名词 noun

shaping tool

chiselling 的近义词 5
v. 动词 verb

cut, wear away


  1. First, researchers must use hammers and chisels to break off pieces of packrat tar.
  2. Their tools included a chisel and a green plastic rake that Péray had appropriated from his children’s sandcastle equipment.
  3. Before modern machinery, sledgehammers, wedges and chisels were the only tools available.
  4. A compact ice chisel should always be a part of your backpacking gearThe best ice pick for backpacking trips should have a foldable, portable design or be part of a set of foldable tools that are both durable and lightweight.
  5. Stick to the basics and get a toolbox that includes a good utility knife or rotary cutter, a diamond chisel, a scratch awl, needles, and thread.
  6. She also was handy, hammering nails into walls and using a heat gun to chisel glue off the floor.
  7. Ben Affleck can be an adequately chisel-jawed buffoon in spandex.
  8. You get  two to three hours in a little studio to chisel away.
  9. He stood up, crowbar in hand, and inserted the chisel blade of the implement between the edge of the door and the doorcase.
  10. The round form of many of the latter is especially remarkable: they almost seem to have been cut out with a chisel.
  11. At length, it was proposed by Dan Tyron to send for the stone cutter, and get him to cut them out of the wall with a chisel.
  12. Jones then went aft to a locker near the stern, whence he returned with a mallet and chisel, and went below.
  13. And sometimes they used the broad end of the brow antler instead of a stone chisel.