any of several small, striped, terrestrial squirrels of the genera Tamias, of North America, and Eutamia, of Asia and North America, especially T. striatus, of eastern North America.
No matter the breed, size, age, or shape of your dog, if he smells a chipmunk… he’s probably going to run for that chipmunk.
Over the winter I saw them in a store and was immediately smitten with this one—a group of animals tucked into their sleeping bags around a campfire—and this one, with a rabbit, an owl, and a chipmunk seated in a canoe.
On occasion, I sat still enough for birds and chipmunks to forget I was there and flit right in front of my face.
I tend to stash headlamps like a chipmunk, so they’re always on hand, but I’ve recently found myself grabbing the Zeus Mini, a new LED light from GoPro, instead.
From the religious (‘The Holly and the Ivy’) to the secular (‘The Chipmunk Song’), my top 20.
The British rapper, better known as Chipmunk, posted a melancholy message a few weeks ago to his followers on Twitter.
The Asiatic chipmunk was first described, under the name Sciurus sibiricus, by Laxmann (1769:69).
Say (1823:45) described Sciurus quadrivittatus, the first species of chipmunk known from western North America.
Illiger (1811:83) proposed Tamias as the generic name of the chipmunk of eastern North America.
The animals who wanted day all the time, and those who wanted day and night, also became quiet,—all except the chipmunk.
Ever since this council, and the little chipmunk called so long and loud for "light and night," we have had day and night.