chimney / ˈtʃɪm ni /


chimney3 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural chim·neys.

  1. a structure, usually vertical, containing a passage or flue by which the smoke, gases, etc., of a fire or furnace are carried off and by means of which a draft is created.
  2. the part of such a structure that rises above a roof.
  3. Now Rare. the smokestack or funnel of a locomotive, steamship, etc.
v. 有主动词 verb

chim·neyed, chim·ney·ing.

  1. Mountain Climbing. to ascend or descend by repeated bracing of one's feet or back and feet against opposite walls.
v. 无主动词 verb

chim·neyed, chim·ney·ing.

  1. Mountain Climbing. to ascend or descend a chimney.

chimney 近义词

n. 名词 noun

smokestack for building


  1. Making “Santa’s Footprints” — a trail of baking soda drizzled over the cutout of a boot, showing the big guy’s path from the chimney to the tree to deliver gifts, and back again.
  2. They want me to get on a ladder and fasten a screen around the top of the chimney so the hornets can no longer enter the house.
  3. Some jurisdictions specifically add mold, chimneys and environmental hazards to the list of possible inspections.
  4. He had pulled up to a friend’s driveway to share the good news when an explosion under the house toppled the chimney, which crushed him in the driver’s seat.
  5. If you’re not keen on using lighter fluid, which can impact the taste slightly, you can buy a chimney starter to get your charcoal hot and ready.
  6. But the one that seems to have changed her—stuck with her—is the one of her fall down that chimney.
  7. This philosophy quickly transforms our ride into a long, white roving chimney.
  8. But may have explained pony for my daughter found stuffed down chimney on Xmas morn.
  9. Then get your parents, friends, roommates, children, neighbors, cats, & chimney sweeps to vote, too.
  10. There is no chimney at the headquarters of the Chief Rabbinate in north London.
  11. She got up and stood in front of the fire, having her hand on the chimney-piece and looking down at the blaze.
  12. Groping to the chimney-place with the aid of his matches, Mr. Collingwood found the candle and lit it.
  13. Every light in the hall was ablaze; every lamp turned as high as it could be without smoking the chimney or threatening explosion.
  14. The chimney was at the other end, and thus a draught of hot air constantly passed beneath the floors in cold weather.
  15. Mr. King and Mr. Lewis walking together in Birmingham, a chimney sweeper and his boy passed them.