cesarean / sɪˈzɛər i ən /


cesarean2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called Cesarean section, Informal, C-section . an operation by which a fetus is taken from the uterus by cutting through the walls of the abdomen and uterus.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to a Cesarean.
  2. Caesarean.

cesarean 近义词


等同于 Caesarean section


等同于 Cesarean section


  1. One out of three births in the U.S. is a Cesarean section and about a quarter of all labor is induced.
  2. The surgical risks of a fifth cesarean section also cannot be downplayed.
  3. Even after just one cesarean, a woman can experience extensive scarring, which causes the operation to be technically challenging.
  4. Fifteen percent of deaths in California were directly related to cesarean sections.
  5. On New Year's Eve, doctors decided a cesarean was necessary.
  6. If however the rent is too much closed, or the child cannot be reached, the Cesarean operation is the only resort.
  7. The perfecting of the method of birth by Cesarean section offers much promise.
  8. For some women with very small bones Cesarean section is necessary if they are to produce living children.
  9. As to the second part, there is no objection to the cesarean delivery at the proper time.
  10. After a cesarean section there is more or less danger of rupture at the scar in other labors.