cento / ˈsɛn toʊ /


cento 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cen·tos.

  1. a piece of writing, especially a poem, composed wholly of quotations from the works of other authors.
  2. anything composed of incongruous parts; conglomeration.
  3. Obsolete. a patchwork.

cento 近义词


等同于 macaronic verse


  1. This, then, the reader must always keep in mind when he is examining for himself any examples of cinque-cento work.
  2. By the best sculptors it is always used with this symbolic meaning, by the cinque cento sculptors as an ornament merely.
  3. Various insects, like everything else in the world, occur in cinque cento work; grasshoppers most frequently.
  4. I must observe here, that the "Lament of Tasso" is, in fact, a cento taken from Tasso's minor poems.
  5. Not far from the before-mentioned building we come upon the “Cento Camarelle,” a prison consisting of a multitude of small cells.