cella / ˈsɛl ə /


cella 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cel·lae [sel-ee]. /ˈsɛl i/. Architecture.

  1. the principal enclosed chamber of a classical temple.
  2. the entire central structure of a classical temple.


  1. The walls were decorated with the rarest paintings, and the cella itself contained countless treasures.
  2. The structure remained nearly square, being equally divided between the portico and the cella.
  3. In some instances rows of columns were ranged upon the two long sides of a cella; but the rear wall was always bare.
  4. That variety of a temple plan which has two ranges of columns entirely surrounding the cella.
  5. Terminations similar to pilasters upon the ends of the lateral walls of the cella, in pronaos and epinaos.