cavorting / kəˈvɔrt /


cavorting 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to prance or caper about.
  2. to behave in a high-spirited, festive manner; make merry.

cavorting 近义词

v. 动词 verb

frolic, prance


  1. No pictures of him cavorting naked in hotel rooms have yet been received by the Royalist.
  2. Difference is, when her brother finds snapshots of Nadia cavorting on a Spanish beach, the honor of the family is compromised.
  3. Has the kind of cavorting the Secret Service engaged in while in Colombia ever happened before?
  4. The novel, about a young debutante cavorting in New York City in the summer of 1945, was finally published in 2005.
  5. Not cavorting inconsequentially between consequential legislative votes and consequential congressional committee meetings.
  6. I'd admire to see him cavorting around on the pinnacles after horse-thieves or whisky-runners or a bunch of bad Indians.
  7. And he didn't even feel tired, in spite of all the dancing and cavorting he had gone in for.
  8. But we got together on a compromise at last, and now hes in uniform again and cavorting around like a two-year-old.
  9. Hop got him then; but the damage was done, and the visitors lining the gridiron were cheering and 194 cavorting wildly.
  10. When they reached the old honeybee tree, they saw Slab cavorting down to meet them.