cattail / ˈkætˌteɪl /


cattail 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any tall, reedlike marsh plant of the genus Typha, especially T. latifolia, having long, sword-shaped leaves and dense, cylindrical clusters of minute brown flowers.


  1. The common cattail is found in the Lower 48, as well as throughout southern Alaska and Canada.
  2. Only starving people tried to make food from cattail seeds and the inner bark of slippery elm and willow trees.
  3. Perched upon a swaying last year's cattail, Mr. Red-winged Blackbird shook his head in reply.
  4. Nests are placed on the ground surface, in cover of marsh grass, cattail, or sedge.
  5. Nests are placed within a few feet of water in cattail, rush, sedge, and willow.
  6. The nativs of this neighbourhood eate the root of the Cattail or Cooper's flag.