the electrode or terminal by which current leaves an electrolytic cell, voltaic cell, battery, etc.
the positive terminal of a voltaic cell or battery.
the negative terminal, electrode, or element of an electron tube or electrolytic cell.
Every zinc-air battery cell contains two electrodes — a zinc anode and a porous cathode — separated by a liquid called an electrolyte.
Nearly all of that lithium then returns to the cathode during the discharge cycle.
Xiaomi has also jettisoned the reflective cathode layer that would normally make the screen opaque, even when there’s no image.
The carmaker’s decision to make its own battery cells, and to enter production of battery cathodes and associated raw materials, is intended to add in-house capacity alongside deals with external suppliers as demand for electric vehicles rises.
The cathode can be one of several lithium-containing materials.
His discovery was in effect that electric rays emanated from the part of the tube struck by the cathode rays.
The plate where the current goes out, the cathode, C, increases in weight since some of the silver is deposited.
The diagram, of the tube shows that the main tube has been expanded round the edges of the cathode.
This is to reduce the heating consequent on the projection of cathode rays from the edges of the disc against the glass tube.
When the annealing is finished the side tube is bent as shown to serve as a handle when the time comes to mount the cathode.