catclaw / ˈkætˌklɔ /


catclaw 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a prickly plant, Schrankia nutallii, of the legume family, native to the midwestern U.S. having pinnate leaves and tiny pink flowers forming a spherical cluster.
  2. cat's-claw.


  1. A little brown rabbit skipped around a bunch of catclaw and sat twitching his whiskers and looking humorously at Givens.
  2. His face and hands were torn with catclaw, his knee bruised by a slip against a sharp jut of quartz.
  3. Dinsmore, his face in the catclaw, gave a smothered cry for help.
  4. She gathered ironwood and catclaw while he watched her vigilantly.