a region in NE Spain, bordering on France and the Mediterranean: formerly a province.
Many of the city’s restaurants have gone dark, and the open ones are allowed to serve breakfast and lunch but not dinner — the regional government of Catalonia has ruled they must close by late afternoon.
California’s choice—as in Catalonia, where Castellnou is chief scientist for the autonomous province’s 4,000-person fire corps—is to either move with that change and have some chance of influencing it, or be bowled over by megafires.
Cases began to spike again in July, and some more drastic restrictions such as closing restaurants and bars in Catalonia did not come until October.
“A referendum on self-determination is necessary to reset the relationship between Catalonia and Spain,” according to the site.
Better for Russia to annex Venice, Catalonia or Alaska (all of which have well-publicized if improbable secessionist movements).
There have been fitful mutterings about Catalonia, the region of Spain where Barcelona is, seceding from Spain.
It is, however, good for the coalition partners in Catalonia, who have shrewdly set a far-away date for the referendum.
Others have also found exaggerations in Homage to Catalonia.
Hastalrick, in Catalonia, evacuated for want of provisions; the garrison cut their way through the French troops.
From this time onwards Aragon became the base from which was organised the conquest of Catalonia and Valencia.
Suchet's conquest of Aragon, Catalonia, and Valencia was marked by a succession of brilliant sieges.
In Aragon and Catalonia the Carlists are the dominating faction, and are making themselves troublesome.
It was while in England that the first signs of discontent in Catalonia began to manifest themselves.