cassiope / kəˈsaɪ əˌpi /


cassiope 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Cassiope, of the heath family, having nodding white or pinkish solitary flowers and scalelike or needlelike leaves.
  2. Cassiopeia.


  1. The white heather is the lovely cassiope that adorns the snow edges of thousands of mountains from Mexico to the Arctic regions.
  2. I have thinks that other grunt was to tell me not to have forgets to take a drink of cold water to Cassiope.
  3. For all practical purposes, however, words like Cassiope are quadrisyllables.
  4. Of these cassiope is at once the commonest and the most beautiful and influential.
  5. Of these, Cassiope tetragona is far the most influential and beautiful.