caspar / ˈkæs pər /


caspar 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. one of the three Magi.
  2. a male given name.


  1. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger convinced Reagan to renege on his support for these cuts, so they never happened.
  2. Ultimately, the decision fell to Secretary Caspar Weinberger, who would later lead the Defense Department under Ronald Reagan.
  3. Caspar Weinberger, an old Nixon friend who was then director of the Office of Management and Budget, was the other invitee.
  4. Was a pupil of Caspar Netscher of Heidelberg, whose little pictures are of fabulous value.
  5. It seemed to Caspar that he had grown older and younger in that one summer day.
  6. In vain poor Caspar intreated; they would not even listen to him.
  7. They nested in their old corner under the eaves of Caspar's gable-roof.
  8. Caspar was standing quite near, and heard it with his own ears.