cascara / kæsˈkɛər ə /


cascara 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a buckthorn, Rhamnus purshiana, of the Pacific coast of the U.S., having finely toothed leaves and flowers in umbels and yielding cascara sagrada.


  1. "We're having trouble with that last lot of cascara, sir," said he lugubriously.
  2. If constipation is the habit a laxative should be given; the aromatic fluid extract of cascara sagrada or magnesia are suitable.
  3. Aromatic cascara sagrada in from ten to thirty-drop doses is a very good laxative, if a stronger remedy is needed.
  4. Take a dose of epsom salts, castor oil, or cascara sagrada, then regulate your diet.
  5. Don Miguel read my letters of recommendation, and re-read the letter of General Cascara.