carpophore / ˈkɑr pəˌfɔr, -ˌfoʊr /


carpophore 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a slender prolongation of the floral axis, bearing the carpels of some compound fruits, as in many plants of the parsley family.
  2. Mycology. the fruiting body of the higher fungi.


  1. The two carpels are close together, with their adjacent surfaces flattened, and are fixed to a central axis called the carpophore.
  2. In some Borragineous flowers, such as Houndstongue, the gynobase runs up in the centre between the carpels into a carpophore.
  3. Fruit (cremocarp) of Osmorrhiza; the two akene-like ripe carpels separating at maturity from a slender axis or carpophore.
  4. Carpophore, the stalk or support of a pistil extending between its carpels, 113.
  5. A Carpophore is a prolongation of receptacle or axis between the carpels and bearing them.