carnivore / ˈkɑr nəˌvɔr, -ˌvoʊr /


carnivore 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an animal that eats flesh.
  2. a flesh-eating mammal of the order Carnivora, comprising the dogs, cats, bears, seals, and weasels.
  3. an insectivorous plant.

carnivore 近义词


等同于 predator

carnivore 的近义词 3

等同于 tiger

carnivore 的近义词 7


  1. Meanwhile, the Upper Midwest population—which had been one of the last places the carnivores resisted eradication—rebounded.
  2. Carrillo says the waning of sparassodonts may have left an opening for northern carnivores.
  3. Already, fast food chains are offering plant-based burgers that routinely wow the most inveterate carnivores, including newspaper food writers.
  4. Quickly eating a lot of food can be useful for carnivores when food is scarce.
  5. Eating large quantities of food quickly can be a useful strategy for carnivores when food is scarce.
  6. And where better to find that weapon than sharing the wild woods with our largest carnivore?
  7. In Area D the child's right foot bones were discovered with "carnivore damage."
  8. I love the animal charities for such a high-profile carnivore.
  9. It is more subtle in its operation but of the same order of ruthlessness as the ravages of a carnivore.
  10. A mutter became a growl, teeth gleamed—those cruel teeth of a carnivore to whom they were weapons of aggression.
  11. Each carnivore has its own worms, as it has its own prey which introduces them.
  12. The pirate-wasp was a carnivore, but this was the season when the wasps raised young.
  13. His early life, the life of a predatory carnivore, had been an unthinkingly happy one.