carex / ˈkɛər ɛks, ˈkær- /


carex 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any sedge of the genus Carex.


  1. It is not a grass but a sedge (Carex glauca or C. panicea) with leaves rather like those of a carnation.
  2. The large genus Carex contains many common sedges with grass-like leaves springing from the base or the lower part of the stem.
  3. It feeds in the stems of Cladium mariscus, sedge (Carex paludosa), and yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus).
  4. The land here is more elevated and less marshy, though somewhat impaired by tumps (of Carex cspitosa).
  5. In boggy places Aira alpina, Carex ustulata, and Vaccinium uliginosum are observable.