careerist / kəˈrɪər ɪst /


careerist 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who follows a career.
  2. a person who pursues a policy or attitude of careerism.


  1. This is not lost on their commander, Rama (Shani Klein), an aspiring military careerist who looks down on frivolity in wartime.
  2. In an age when we needed a visionary, he is merely a careerist.
  3. Penelope Trunk founded three startups, including Brazen Careerist.
  4. What I think the book is, is a critique of presenting it from a careerist perspective.
  5. He called him the “Chequered Careerist,” and spoke of his patterned legs as “shivery shakys.”