cardoon / kɑrˈdun /


cardoon 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a composite plant, Cynara cardunculus, of the Mediterranean area, having a root and leafstalks eaten as a vegetable.


  1. The artichoke offers fewer varieties, which bears out the opinion that it is a form derived from the cardoon.
  2. The cardoon is a thistle-like plant, very similar in appearance to the Globe artichoke, but is grown as an annual.
  3. The nest is usually built in a cardoon thistle, two or three feet above the ground, and is made of dry grass.
  4. Sometimes they breed on the open plain in a large cardoon thistle, but a thick bush or low tree is preferred.
  5. The nest was in a cardoon bush, and contained five eggs—two of the Yellow-breast and three parasitical.