carbo / ˈkɑr boʊ /


carbo 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural car·bos.Informal.

  1. carbohydrate.
  2. a food having a high carbohydrate content.


  1. Being elected a tribune, Carbo set himself to win the favor of the people by new popular legislation.
  2. No greater contrast can be imagined than is to be found in a comparison between Tiberius Gracchus and Carbo.
  3. After the death of Cinna, Carbo for some time remained as the sole consul of Rome.
  4. From the north, Marius, Sertorius, and Carbo were advancing with considerable forces.
  5. To avoid a similar lot, Carbo, who came to take the command, hastened to promise the rebels that they should not quit Italy.