caracara / ˌkɑr əˈkɑr ə, ˌkær əˈkær ə /


caracara 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of certain long-legged birds of prey of the falcon family, of the southern U.S. and Central and South America that feed on carrion.


  1. As science had shunned Hudson, so it shunned the caracara branch of family Falconidae.
  2. The flight of the caracara is heavy and slow, and it is generally an inactive, tame, and cowardly bird.
  3. It will frequently wait, as does the caracara, at the mouth of a rabbit-hole, and seize on the animal when it comes out.
  4. The caracara takes little notice, except by bobbing its head.
  5. They are usually known in localities where they are found, as Caracara Eagles.
  6. The Caracara lays two eggs; the nest is generally placed on the ground among brushwood.