capstone / ˈkæpˌstoʊn /


capstone 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a finishing stone of a structure.
  2. the crowning achievement, point, element, or event.

capstone 近义词


等同于 peak


等同于 summit


等同于 zenith


等同于 acme


等同于 climax


  1. Just to be sure, they hoisted the capstone and looked on its underside.
  2. It was a capstone to a career that saw him top the Yankees charts in hits, singles, doubles, stolen bases, hit-by-pitches, at-bats and games.
  3. Signed in August 1965, the Voting Rights Act marked the capstone of the civil rights era.
  4. That is often missing in rural America, where communities like Lindsay’s can treat high school as a capstone, not a steppingstone.
  5. The tenth and final flight of the Gemini series, it was by any measure a perfect capstone.
  6. But for Carter, this is a capstone to a career spent in the decidedly unsexy corridors of Pentagon power.
  7. On the western side of the capstone is the history of the construction.
  8. Cantor said he sees the election of de Blasio as the capstone of a transformational year for the progressive movement.
  9. Once a favorite to replace Clinton at State, he is a contender for Defense Secretary as a capstone to his long legislative career.
  10. I think this was a capstone to the major military project of his term.
  11. Tower and spire are almost the same height, together giving to the capstone an elevation of 273 feet.
  12. It is for them to put the capstone upon the sublime structure.
  13. They had climbed the capstone of her pyramid, her sun had touched its zenith, and her last word was said!
  14. The idea in itself attracted him, as a fitting capstone to his resolve not to go home to supper.
  15. The promontory is connected with a still bolder and loftier headland, the Capstone Rock.