capiz / kəˈpiz, kæ- /


capiz 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a small marine bivalve of the genus Placuna, especially P. placenta, common in Philippine coastal waters and some other parts of the Pacific Ocean.
  2. Also called windowpane shell, windowglass shell. the squarish, translucent inner shell of Placuna used in making lamps, windowpane, and decorative objects.


  1. I had employed a native servant who said he knew how to cook, and I was taking him up to Capiz with an eye to future comfort.
  2. For reasons best known to himself, he found it inconvenient to return to Capiz and to renew his campaign for the governorship.
  3. This was not the last feat the Blanco was destined to achieve during my stay in Capiz.
  4. We made Capiz just at dusk, and never was a wanderer more eager to see home.
  5. This was brought down to Capiz, and the constabulary officer on duty there went out immediately with a launch and brought him in.