canula / ˈkæn yə lə /


canula 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural can·u·las, can·u·lae [kan-yuh-lee]. /ˈkæn yəˌli/. Surgery.

  1. a less common variant of cannula.


  1. I then introduced a trocar and canula, and drew off fifty ounces of pus, slightly tinged with blood.
  2. The time for removal of the canula varies according to the condition.
  3. An ordinary canula is placed in the trachea and the wounds are dressed.
  4. To keep the opening patent it is necessary to insert a small lead or silver canula, frequently a source of great discomfort.
  5. After the canula has been inserted into the opening, relaxation of this pressure permits of flow of the lotion.