cantharus / ˈkæn θər əs /


cantharus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural can·tha·ri [kan-thuh-rahy]. /ˈkæn θəˌraɪ/.


  1. The Black Bream (Cantharus lineatus) is an omnivorous feeder, and will take both animal and vegetable baits.
  2. In the centre of the court stood a cistern or fountain (cantharus, phiale), for drinking and ablutions.
  3. And for Cantharus, first let the men of pitch take him, and plaster him without mercy; and be their pitch the vilest procurable.
  4. One of the most precious of the treasures was the Bacchic cantharus, called the Cup of the Ptolomies.
  5. He calls it "the vase of waters (cantharus aquarum), before the main entrance (of the church) of the blessed Paul."