- 看过 cannibalize 的人也看了 :
- dismantle
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cannibalize 的 2 个定义
can·ni·bal·ized, can·ni·bal·iz·ing.
- to subject to cannibalism.
- to remove parts, equipment, assets, employees, etc., from in order to use them in another: to cannibalize old airplanes for replacement parts.
- to cut into; cause to become reduced; diminish: New products introduced in the next six months will cannibalize sales from established lines.
can·ni·bal·ized, can·ni·bal·iz·ing.
- to act cannibalistically; practice cannibalism.
cannibalize 近义词
cannibalize 的近义词 3 个
- Some species, for instance, have been seen cannibalizing each other.
- Studios don’t seem to agree on whether streaming services are cannibalizing box office numbers.
- According to Lemon, the streaming early releases did not cannibalize linear viewership.
- Unbeknownst to many, battles are fought and alliances are formed every day as companies cannibalize each other in the race to hold the most patents for 5G technologies.
- The problem is that brands are reluctant to give up their email CRM, and they sometimes feel like SMS cannibalizes it — when really it should eat it all up and just replace it.
- But I do, so I thought “why would I cannibalize those ideas into a book?”
- "The events won't cannibalize each other and that's the only reason I would do this," Tollett said.
- I dread the time when I shall have to cannibalize the recorder.