candlelit / ˈkæn dlˌlɪt /


candlelit 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. For an ethereal waterfront experience under the stars, parties of two to four can reserve one of the flower-festooned, candlelit greenhouses on it banks.
  2. Maybe it means setting aside a space and time in your kitchen once a week to try new recipes or eat a candlelit dinner with your partner or a friend.
  3. They met at a karaoke outing, and he took her out to a candlelit Italian dinner on their first date.
  4. The students organized the candlelit gathering on their own, without school officials, Jones said.
  5. Daoud moved to the doorway, and as he looked into the smoky, candlelit hall, his heart sank.
  6. The yellow squares of candlelit windows glowed among the dark turrets and terraces.
  7. The unmistakable tall figure was standing in the candlelit window behind the curtain.
  8. Gradually, like a candlelit picture, Lucienne's face appeared, hazel eyes serious.
  9. The candlelit audience chamber of the podesta was hung with somber maroon drapes drawn against the night air.