candleberry 的定义
plural can·dle·ber·ries.
- any of several species of wax myrtle.
- the fruit of any of these plants.
- candlenut.
- The kernels of the alearites triloba, the candleberry tree, a plant growing in most tropical countries.
- He put in the finished candlesticks and a box of candleberry dips he had made of delightfully spiced wax, coloured pale green.
- Bayberry is called candleberry, too, because of the use our great-grandmothers made of the wax.
- In the East Indies the candleberry, which contains oily seeds, has been burned for light by the natives.
- Aleurites triloba, the 'candleberry tree', is cultivated in the Moluccan Islands for its fruit.