camelopard / kəˈmɛl əˌpɑrd /


camelopard 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a giraffe.


  1. The camelopard was to get his long neck by stretching for his food; and the duck her web-foot by paddling in the water.
  2. It is also called the camelopard, suggesting a resemblance in shape to the camel and in color to the leopard.
  3. The guanaco, a quadruped allied to the lama, and with some resemblance to the camelopard, is found in considerable numbers.
  4. I was plucked as I entered the room over the word Camelopard.
  5. At the zoological garden was found nearly every animal extant, from a mouse to a camelopard.