cambium / ˈkæm bi əm /


cambium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cam·bi·ums, cam·bi·a [kam-bee-uh]. /ˈkæm bi ə/. Botany.

  1. a layer of delicate meristematic tissue between the inner bark or phloem and the wood or xylem, which produces new phloem on the outside and new xylem on the inside in stems, roots, etc., originating all secondary growth in plants and forming the annual rings of wood.


  1. When summer comes, adult beetles attack and larva feed in the cambium layer, girdling the trees and sealing their doom.
  2. The larv hatch and begin their work by burrowing across the cambium at right angles to the egg galleries.
  3. They are evidently made to get at the tender, juicy bark, or cambium layer, next to the hard wood of the tree.
  4. The bud is rooted in the branch, and draws its sustenance from the milk of the pulpy cambium layer beneath the bark.
  5. In some cases he seems to refer to the phloem and cambium by this name, and in other cases to the perimedullary zone.
  6. Coniferin, C16H22O8, occurs in the cambium of coniferous woods.