calliope / kəˈlaɪ ə pi; for 1 also ˈkæl iˌoʊp /


calliope 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called steam organ. a musical instrument consisting of a set of harsh-sounding steam whistles that are activated by a keyboard.
  2. Also Kal·li·o·pe .Classical Mythology. the Muse of heroic poetry.

calliope 近义词


等同于 pipe organ

calliope 的近义词 3


  1. Immediately the little girl set up a yell that, 195 as Burd declared, could have scarcely been equaled by a steam calliope.
  2. And off Bob went, whistling like a calliope and not even turning his head to look at the cabin.
  3. The man with the steam calliope sat exhausted over his keyboard.
  4. John Robinson's circus boasted a steam calliope, which dispensed "biled music."
  5. To Calliope, the muse of epic poetry, Homer and Vergil prayed when they sang of war and heroes.