caladium / kəˈleɪ di əm /


caladium 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several tropical American plants of the genus Caladium, of the arum family, cultivated for their variegated, colorful leaves.


  1. Caladium, or Elephant's Ears, should be lifted without disturbing the stem or leaves.
  2. The hoactzin, Opisthocomus, feeds to a great extent upon the leaves of the aroid Montrichardia or Caladium arborescens.
  3. Their food consists principally of batata, besides some gabi (caladium).
  4. Alocacia Macrorhiza Variegata, its large caladium-shaped leaves are marbled and broadly splashed with white.
  5. Lastly, how are we to account for the beauty of autumnal tints in woods, or coloured leaves in plants such as the Caladium?