cablevision / ˈkeɪ bəlˌvɪʒ ən /


cablevision 的定义

n. 名词 noun

cablevision 近义词


等同于 cable television


  1. As head of MSG and Cablevision, Dolan is well versed in all the various interests of AMM-MSG, save one: publishing.
  2. All of which has led cable industry watchers to wonder: does Cablevision know what it is getting into?
  3. The Cablevision-owned network's estimated revenue for 2010 is $496 million, according to SNL Kagan.
  4. But it is still missing from a handful of prominent cable provides like Cablevision.
  5. And this year, ABC and Cablevision fought it out over the Oscars.